Episode 314 - SFGT | The Facekeeper | Fear Meditation | Crows

Episode 314,   Aug 11, 2018, 12:00 AM

The Facekeeper | Fear Meditation | Crows - '#Ritual Creepypastas
Fear Meditation:
Copyright: CC BY-SA
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Welcome my creeplicious listeners!
You seek wisdom in a good with a face of darkness, perform a ritual to eradicate fear, and assimilate with a pack of murders….are all the better for it?
Join me in the adventure into high strangeness with Ritual Creepypasta stories that will have your skin crawling :P would you be brave enough to carry out any of these? Which one would you choose to do :D
Thank you so much for listening the #podcast mates!
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CO.AG - goo.gl/hQZW8Z