Episode 361 - SFGT | Irish Fairy Tales - The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill [Chapters 6 to 11]

Episode 361,   Nov 28, 2018, 12:00 AM

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Episode 361 - SFGT | Irish Fairy Tales - The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill [Chapters 6 to 11]
Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2892/2892-h/2892-h.htm
Email me your recommendations: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com
Topic: #Irish #Fae #Fairy #FairyTale
We continue on for chapter 6 to 11 of "The Story of Tuan Mac Cairill" we learn more about Tuan, his personal story, history, genealogy, and mythical life cycle. This story really has you questioning what it's like to be a fish, or an animal for that fact! The trials that he faced, and a the forms he has taken over his lifetime. Join me listeners for a fantastic tale!
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