Do Well in Your Business by Doing Good in the World with Carolyn Butler-Madden

Episode 149,   Jan 22, 2019, 05:00 PM

In this episode, I’m joined by Carolyn Butler-Madden to share her insights on the benefits of cause-led marketing to the practice, the staff and to the world at large. Our dental practices have an impact on the world. And we can expand that impact by embracing cause-led marketing as part of our strategy. 

CEO and founder of Sunday Lunch, Carolyn offers brand consultancy services to businesses that want to build purpose-led brands; brands that stand for something beyond profit. Sunday Lunch specifically takes a cause marketing approach to building purpose – aligning a client’s brand with a cause in a way that unlocks both brand and social value. It’s an approach that can be neatly summed up as “doing well by doing good”.

02:29: Why Carolyn moved from corporate agency style marketing to more social-cause driven.

06:33: How Millennials are driving the change in culture and cause marketing

13:35: How leveraging relationships and partnerships can increase sales and make a difference

16:10: What personal benefits cause marketing has for business owners

17:14: The impact cause marketing has on teams inside a business

23:18: How to integrate cause marketing into your practice

And more