Data-Driven Business Growth: Big Data & Gamification with Nicolas Babin

Season 1, Episode 6,   Dec 05, 2019, 03:00 PM

Nat Schooler has the pleasure of discussing Big Data and Gamification with Nicolas Babin, one of the top experts in the world and Nicolas Babin shares his secrets from 30+ years within the tech industry, working with some of the top names including Sony.

These are the questions and talking points we discussed.

 – what is gamification
 – why did you start using gamification?
 – what is the purpose of gamification
 – how can you use gamification
 – which area is best for gamification
 – what results can you see with gamification
 – could gamification be misused?
 – could you give us some examples of gamification you have used in the past?
 – pros and cons of gamification
 – could you find gamification in everyday online tools?

Data and technology:
 – Are we talking on line or off line data?
 – What is open data?
 – what marketing techniques use data?
 – how can data and technology go together?
 – does AI use data?
 – what is predictive analytics?
 – what is big data and how can anyone use it?
 – what activities use big data?
 – should I be scared of data being available so widely?
 – could anyone access all data, is there any type of safety involved?

Shownotes can be found here: