6th July 2020 - Tech Reviews and Help on BBC Radio Surrey & Sussex

Jul 07, 2020, 06:17 PM

Fevzi Turkalp, the Gadget Detective, joins James Cannon on BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex to discuss the latest tech news and answer listener questions. This week, why would a bank update a customer's details without request?

Gadget of the Month is the Eve Movie Night bundle of smart gadgets. Included are RGB lighting strips to be placed behind your TV, or anywhere else you want some mood lighting, to enhance your viewing experience, and an Eve energy unit, which allows you to remotely turn on and off any mains powered gadgets automatically. Designed to work with Apple producs, which improves your data privacy, this is an ideal way to add some home automation to your life.

You can hear Fevzi on BBC Radio Surrey and Sussex on the first Monday of the month around 2.30pm and can follow and contact him on Twitter @gadgetdetective
