#57 Pregnancy after loss with Amneet Graham

Season 5, Episode 6,   Aug 24, 2021, 11:00 PM

Join me as I chat to Willow's Rainbow Box founder Amneet Graham.

Following the birth of her first child, Willow, a pregnancy that followed a previous miscarriage and fertility treatment, Amneet created a charity offering boxes of support to those pregnant after loss.

During our chat we also talk about how Amneet, who is south east asian, found dealing with infertility, loss and subsequent pregnancies within her family.

Have you heard about the Hang Out community for those pregnant after infertility and loss? Find out more here.

You can also find out more about the other support I offer including the Finally Pregnant Yoga and Pilates Sessions.

Why not sign up to receive my Top 5 Strategies to Enjoy Your Pregnancy.

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Thank you to sponsors Melio Health. Melio offer blood tests before, during and after pregnancy: from non-invasive prenatal tests to general health checks, helping you and your family take control of their health. Find out more here.

Much love,
Cat x
