QROT-13: Technocracy - Why it is not in any way the answer

Sep 14, 2021, 11:30 AM

The logical fallacies of believing technocrats would rule things evenly, and fairly, based on mere logic.

Quick Answer: Because what government actions can offer the greedy or control hungry means politics still rule. You CANNOT remove politics from anything that has much of any control of purse strings or of rules of society. It limits discussion. Elected officials become figure heads.

6:18: "You cannot separate politics from power. From any major source of power. Technocracy becomes the excuse. . . to be able to control under what is considered 'logical.'"

7:55: "Technocracy is a bad excuse and a convenient excuse to act like you have certainty you do not, and to shut down discussion."

12:12: "The more it's about technocrats..., the more one-sided it will be. 'C'mon, everyone knows that's not the truth! The technocrats decided! Stop your stupid arguing! The technocrats decided! The experts decided!' . . . "I guess it's not politically correct or even logical [hahahaha] to oppose what the technocrats did." 

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