TSOT027: HillaryColluzia, The Post, and Recent Revelations of Other Pathological Liars

Mar 03, 2022, 01:17 AM

A two-and-a-half part episode. 
First, a tease / bread crumb on a great expert likely worthy of follow-up due to his clearly fastidious ways, on two subjects:
1. Details on "Russia Gate".
2. (at 3:48) Its predecessor scandal that started the tradition of all big scandals getting "gate" tagged to the end of their nickname.
We discuss his source material, some of which I've sampled, that is very worthy of following up on. 

Then (at 10:10), information from insurance companies - as close to "we need data because that's what matters" as you get, that show a giant spike in the last half of 2021, of a very important metric to prove what is really going on... 

If the property insurance analogy were used, the spike would be equivalent to dwarfing the "once every two hundred years flood" 

Except it is rubber-meets-the-road , as provable as you can get data - how many life insurance payouts occurred.

But not in the first one, two, or four seasons after the alleged great plague. No. Rather, with timing corresponding to people fully taking the "solution" for it. And /or taking the second part of the "solution". And/or the THIRD part of the "solution." 

So where could a once-in-a-millenium difference in death come from? Well, as an expert quoted herein says "we can debate it, but I know where it came from. You know where it came from."

Also at least from this big-time risk / investment analysis expert, some good news - as he believes something resembling justice will happen and cannot be avoided. 
Includes source audio.

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