Episode 8,   Sep 08, 2022, 12:58 PM

00:30 Introducing Rhiannon
02:31 One of Danny’s first jobs
03:47 How do other employees benefit from internships?
04:23 Rhiannon’s job search and internship experience
07:52 What are the advantages of having an internship before a full time job?
08:43 Learning from internships
09:29 The number one benefit for interns
10:54 A unique approach to working as an intern
11:50 Why should companies hire interns?
12:13 A new generation of perspectives
13:43 Build brand recognition
14:40 Create a talent pipeline
15:46 What are three ways employers can improve their internship programs?
16:13 Empower your interns with real work
18:31 Define your program and ideal candidate before hiring
20:09 Diversify your advertising
22:19 The transformative power of a positive internship experience
22:48 ‘Previewing’ a career
24:10 Make your internship program effective
25:18 Growth opportunities on both sides

Why do we expect young college graduates to know what they want to do with their entire lives the moment they join the workforce? Equally scary is the prospect of hiring a new employee that's not a good fit.

Luckily, internships are here to help! Say goodbye to coffee runs, and say hello to empowering fresh perspectives. This episode walks you through the components of a successful internship program.

Danny talks with Rhiannon Brown, GLOMO intern turned full-time employee, about the advantages of internships, how to tap your intern's highest potential, and the rewarding growth opportunities for both interns and hiring companies.

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