How to Fix Your Picker and Find Real Love! - Marilyn's Story

Episode 35,   Sep 11, 2022, 11:00 PM

Bela talks to client Marilyn Dollar about how she found love after TWO bad marriages -- one was at the age of 17 (involving physical abuse), and the other was the father of her children (infidelity).   In a prior podcast episode, Sugar mentioned how a Smart Dating Academy Instagram Live episode with Marilyn changed her dating life, so we invited Marilyn to tell ALL of you the story that inspired Sugar.   Marilyn is so relatable - we all have Marilyn inside of us.  Listen for the following gems:

  • What made Marilyn realize she needed help in the dating process (it might have to do with a boyfriend that she only spent time with in the bedroom or Home Depot)
  • How Marilyn changed so much that she found love AND was promoted from an "Admin" four levels to "Global Marketing Manager"
  • What happened 7 days after Marilyn met Bela & Lindsay at the Four Seasons, and why didn't Bela recognize her?
  • What site she MET the love of her life on ('s NOT Bumble or Hinge or Match)
  • What parameters she changed to bring Jim into her filter, that would have NEVER brought him to her beforehand?
  • Does a dozen roses on date 1 mean he's a "love bomber?"
  • How she deprioritized "height" and found a tall guy anyway!
  • What's Marilyn's BEST advice for you at the end?  It has to do with light, and it's NOT what you might think it is 
You will get chills listening to Marilyn's story, and be inspired that the lid to your pot is just one message away!

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