When you give up a job for Purpose! with NurseKellita

Season 4, Episode 10,   Sep 23, 2023, 01:39 AM

There is power in closed doors, hearing no, rejections and failures....
Our path to purpose is not always an easy one but will require your absolute commitment.

Self awareness, compassion and healthy outlets is needed for your next level up !

And Nurse Kellita shares more with us on the podcast this week, about what it means to pivot proudly, do the hard thing and say "no, this is not what I want". 

She demonstrates taking Empowered action as a Latina Nurse, switching careers, and then going back to school and now creating a impactful Nurse Practitioner platform with her brand. 

Nurse Kellita is practicing what she preaches to her patients and prioritizing her well being as well.

Following your passion is not always easy but the journey to getting there will equip you for whats next! Stay the course and continue to show up for you proudly always.

Celebrate Hispanic Heritage month with us and listen in!
"Nurses belong everywhere where decisions about people are being made."

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