Shark Attack Survivor's Guide to Business Resilience

Episode 434,   Nov 14, 2023, 08:00 PM

Turning the worst day of your life into your best is no easy feat, but sometimes there is simply no other option. In Brett Connellan’s case, this day included the moment every surfer’s worst nightmare became his reality when he was attacked by a Great White Shark.

In this episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast Dr. Jesse Green introduces you to Brett Connellan.

The events that saved Brett’s life were not lost on him, and that perspective was needed as he faced a long and challenging road to recovery. With a bleak outlook prescribed to him by doctors, it was evident that Brett’s life as he knew it would never be the same.

These moments in time are pivotal in any person’s life as they often lead to a questioning of purpose and identity. The recovery forced Brett to "climb a new mountain" in his words and develop a different mindset towards resilience.

So how does Brett’s experience with a shark relate to you and your business? Well, press play and be ready to be inspired in ways you could never have thought possible.

  • [4:46] - Brett explains the shark attack in chilling detail., right down to the ‘feel’ of shark skin.
  • [9:22] - The chaos and the calm from when the rescue began.
  • [15:33] - What we can all learn from traumatic events and apply in our own lives daily.
  • [26:13] - How to recognise the lucky moments in your everyday life.
  • [29:32] - Brett explains his road to recovery and the similarities to running business. Physical vs. Mental.
  • [36:01] - The wisest most inspiring words Brett was told during his recovery. “People fail not from aiming too high and missing, but from aiming too low and hitting”
  • [46:49] - Facing your biggest fear and turning it into a compelling vision for the future.