S6 Ep 1 - Ben Dunwell: Commitment to Writing About Ibiza's Past

Season 6, Episode 1,   Feb 08, 2024, 05:00 AM

Welcome back to The Mojo Podcast. 
Series 6 of the Mojo Podcast is all about Commitment. A concept that has real weight and meaning for us, as we have all committed at some point in our life and perhaps you're considering a new commitment right now. It's a deeply meaningful area and I wanted to explore it further.
So for this season I'll be talking to an amazing array of guests about what commitment means to them and how it impacts their Mojo. How it feels to truly commit to yourself, to your passion & your purpose and to see the results. 
Rather than sitting on the fence and no committing at all.
Because commitment really means choosing not to have any more choice. 

In episode 1 I speak to writer Ben Duwell, the author of Pine Tree Island, a historical novel about the early settlers of Ibiza.
We talk about Ben's writing process, how he get past the 'tyranny of the blank sheet of paper' and gets his words down. How he manage to balance ego and humility in the creative process and choses not to hold on too tightly to a specific outcome for his work.

We also talk about his brilliant TEDxDaltVila talk and how he committed to that project and managed to remember his words!

Ben also share many fabulous anecdotes about Ibiza past and present. We also recorded this overlooking the bay at Sa Caleta so you can almost hear the sunshine and feel the water. 

Ben lives with his family in the hills above San Juan, and from time to time comes out to do bits of theatre too!

Mojo for Ben - the source of a superpower, connection.

instagram: bendunwellauthor

Pine Tree Island: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pine-Tree-Island-Novel-Ibizas/dp/8409343681/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1706259225&sr=8-1

His TEDx talk is here: youtu.be/Z5SW6_Lp4HM

Remember to subscribe to be notified about new episodes. And please do rate & review this episode on Apple Podcasts.

Hope you love it
Richard 🦋

And if you'd like to book a free 30 minute discovery call with me to talk about some coaching can help get your Mojo back - just drop me an email.

The Mojo Podcast
Hosted by leadership coach Richard Stokes from Ibiza
@mojorichard on Instagram