
Jun 18, 2015, 10:02 AM

Model United Nations 模擬聯合國 Model United Nations, also known as MUN, has always been an interest of mine. It is an extracurricular activity where participants pour months of practice into a two- or three-day conference where passionate delegates gather to debate pressing global issues. From the situation in Syria to the preservation of endangered languages, MUN allows participants to think of real solutions to very real problems. However, most importantly, I think MUN gives participants the chance to grow and improve themselves in multiple ways. 我向來都對模擬聯合國很感興趣。參與這項課外活動需要先投入好幾個月進行訓練,再和滿腔熱血的各國代表齊聚一堂,在為期兩到三天的會議中,針對迫切的全球議題展開辯論。從敘利亞的情勢談到瀕絕語言的保存,模擬聯合國讓與會代表針對現實世界的問題思考出實際的解決方案。不過,最重要的是,模擬聯合國讓參與者有機會從各方面成長和進步。 For me, MUN has made me better understand the world, make new friends, gain confidence in public speaking and much more. Through endless hours of intensive negotiating and debating, participants combine their solutions to important global issues and create a coherent answer to problems that our world faces. Aside from the educational benefits of MUN, the activity is also a great opportunity to make friends from different places. For instance, I went to a conference called TAIMUN that was hosted by the American School in Taichung. I met people from places such as Bali, Indonesia and Busan, South Korea. If you want to make new friends, joining MUN is a great idea! Since MUN is all about giving speeches, it is also great practice for public speaking. In fact, sometimes you might end up speaking to more than 50 people! Although it can be confusing and difficult at times, MUN in the long run is a fun activity that can teach participants many life skills. If you have a passion for current events and your school has MUN, then join! 對我而言,模擬聯合國讓我獲益良多,包括更了解這個世界、結交更多新朋友,和對公開演說更有自信等。經由長時間的密集協商和辯論,參與者將構思出的解決方案和全球議題結合,並替世界各地所面臨的問題發想出有條有理的解答。而模擬聯合國不只具有教育意義,這樣的活動還是認識世界各地朋友的大好機會。例如,我曾參與台中美國學校舉辦的 TAIMUN 會議,當時就認識了來自印尼峇里島和南韓釜山的朋友。若你想認識新朋友,加入模擬聯合國會是非常棒的選擇!且因模擬聯合國非常注重演說,對於公眾演說技巧也是很好的練習。事實上,有時你甚至得對著超過五十位聽眾演講呢!雖然過程中難免會有令人不知所措和備感艱辛的時刻,不過模擬聯合國終究是個相當有趣的活動,參與者能從中習得許多生活技能。如果你對時事充滿熱忱,而且就讀的學校又剛好有舉辦模擬聯合國,那麼參加就對了! There are many important and difficult problems in our world right now, from the rise of ISIS to climate change. I believe to tackle these issues, it is important to learn more about the world around us and MUN is the perfect way to do just that! 全世界目前存在著許多重要又艱難的問題,從「伊斯蘭國」的崛起到氣候變遷的危害。我認為,若要確實處理這些問題,對我們周遭的世界有更多了解是至關重要的,而模擬聯合國就是能達成此目標的絕佳途徑!