Episode #122 - Epiphany Face

Feb 19, 2016, 06:00 AM

Important Teen Wolf news: lacrosse is back. Karen and Natalie break down this high-stakes game. Teen Wolf season 5, episode 17 "A Credible Threat."

Featured Song: "Mic Check" by GTA & TJR

- "What's a good descriptor for this episode?" "That depends on how you feel about lacrosse."
- Coach Finstock is back - a major plus.
- Some huge revelations about Parrish and his hellhound left us shocked.
- Karen's looking a bit too closely at Kira's underwear.
- Everyone in Beacon Hills has only one pair of shoes. Natalie has about 50.
- Parrish should not show up naked in the high school - he clearly didn't get enough tips on lurking teenagers from Derek.
- Is their freezing supersoldier chamber the same concept as Scott's ice bath?
- When the Beast's identity returns, is it merely going to take over the mind of the person it's currently in, or erase their body entirely?
- Brett and his sister are allies we approve of.
- If you're a Harry Potter fan, you should know a lot about one of the hellhound's other identities.
- Why does Parrish need to leave town?
- This just in: the kitsune is kind of a dick.
- Is the Desert Wolf moonlighting as a local reporter?
- Natalie admits that she doesn't really like [redacted.]
- Karen has a list of theories about the Beast and she's convinced herself they're all true.
- Next week: who is the Argent family's "familiar ally"?
- Our post-credits scene this week is an extended look at what happens as Karen and Natalie prepare to record. Enjoy.

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