The surprising role of personal branding to scale your practice

Episode 448,   Feb 27, 08:00 PM

In this episode of The Savvy Dentist Podcast, Dr. Jesse Green discusses marketing, with Nina Christian.

Nina Christian is the author of
Marketing Me. Nina is an expert when it comes to personal branding and she's an expert at helping businesses achieve scale through personal branding. 

If you plan to scale up your practice, you need to be able to work with and through other people. And having your patients trust your team by having those team members have a great reputation in the marketplace is critically important.

It's about having a cohesive strategy that allows everyone to elevate their profile in the marketplace and to be able to support one another in that process, and ultimately give the principle of the practice the opportunity to step back from the day to day operations, step back from the clinical work, trusting that your people on hand are great and they're respected in the marketplace.

Nina has a knack for simplifying the complex, turning time-sucking activities into easy-to-follow systems and processes that make a lot of sense and get outcomes fast.

  • [3:28] - Identifying the marketing opportunities for people who want to scale their dental practice and get off the tools.
  • [6:34] - People are not interested in connecting with logos and brands but they are open to connecting with people.
  • [11:18] - If you're the principle of the practice and you're saying I don't want to be the key person dependent in the business. How do we get that right balance of marketing as the principle of the practice and then where do we go beyond that to the rest of the team?
  • [21:17] - How to find the sweet spot where we've got your personal joy and fulfillment in the business, aligning with your business objectives.
  • [28:32] - As you build and scale your practice it is really important to think about which marketing process is sustainable and does not compromise on the authenticity and connectivity factors.
  • [35:20] - Let’s address the concern that practice owners have around elevating their team through marketing with the fear that they might steal patients and move to another practice.
  • [41:05] - In scaling your practice there is no B-Team. How to ensure you only have an A-team!
  • [44:35] - Tips from Nina on how to scale-up and not trip-up while you do so.