Big Ideas Wales: Be Your Own Boss Podcast
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Welcome to the ‘be your own boss’ podcast, the young entrepreneur’s guide to starting a business!

Whether you’re thinking about business for the first time, or you have an idea that you want to develop, then this podcast is for you. This 15 part series that will keep you on track and help you think through the challenges that come with starting a business.

Big Ideas Wales is part of Business Wales and is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

This podcast is available in English and Welsh.

Croeso i bodlediad ‘bod yn fos arna ti dy hun’, canllaw yr entrepreneur ifanc i gychwyn busnes!

P’unai dy fod di’n meddwl am gychwyn busnes am y tro cyntaf, fod gen ti syniad ti eisiau ei ddatblygu, mae’r podlediad yma i chdi. Bydd y 15 pennod yma yn dy gadw di ar y trywydd iawn ac yn dy helpu di i ddeall a meddwl am yr heriau sy’n codi wrth gychwyn busnes.

Mae Syniadau Mawr Cymru yn rhan o Busnes Cymru ac mae’n cael ei gyllido yn rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru

Mae'r podlediad ar gael yng Ngymraeg a Saesneg.

Big Ideas Wales: Be Your Own Boss Podcast

Big Ideas Wales
30 episodes

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